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Mabvezuva Mining Company
Lithium Refinery Plant

An Open Door to Progress:

Our Lithium Refinery Plant is not only a beacon of technological advancement and sustainability but also a testament to our commitment to collaboration and industry-wide growth. We are proud to announce that the plant will be open to all lithium miners, offering them an opportunity to bring their proceeds for refining. This inclusive approach aims to foster a sense of community, promote ethical mining practices, and elevate the lithium industry as a whole.



Lithium Refinery

State-of-the-Art Facility:

The refinery plant is being established in partnership with esteemed overseas collaborators, whose details will be unveiled in due course. This state-of-the-art facility is poised to set new industry standards, ensuring precision, efficiency, and the highest quality in the production of refined lithium compounds. It is designed to accommodate miners of various scales, from local enterprises to international stakeholders, fostering an environment of innovation and knowledge exchange.


Hydrometallurgical Process:

Hydrometallurgical Process:

  • Lithium is extracted from ores or brines using chemical solutions, usually involving leaching and precipitation techniques.

  • This process is often used for lithium-containing minerals such as spodumene and petalite.

  • The extracted lithium solution is purified through precipitation and solvent extraction to obtain high-purity lithium compounds.



Lithium Carbonate Precipitation:

  • Lithium-containing solutions, typically obtained from brine sources, are treated with reagents to precipitate lithium carbonate.

  • The precipitate is then separated, washed, and dried to produce lithium carbonate, a key precursor for lithium-ion battery cathodes.


Thermal Decomposition

  • Lithium-containing minerals are subjected to high-temperature processes, such as roasting or calcination, to convert them into lithium compounds.

  • The resulting materials are further processed to obtain lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide, or other lithium compounds.

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